One year ends and another begins. It's time to make plans and Contando Estrelas also has them for the new year 2025. This ...
Sanchez violates Article 16 of the Constitution to promote abortion with the help of the PP The PP votes in favor of a ...
World War I is infamous for the high number of casualties recorded in the battles on the Western Front. The beautiful landscapes of the Dolomite Alps seen from a bird's eye view in three minutes The ...
La Primera Guerra Mundial es tristemente famosa por el elevado número de bajas que se registraron en las batallas del frente occidental. Los bellos paisajes de los Alpes Dolomitas recorridos a vista ...
The F-35 and the Eurofighter (the other two protagonists of this article) cannot even come close to competing with these ...
Jimmy Carter, 39th President of the United States and member of the Democratic Party, passed away yesterday at the age of 100. I don't like speaking ill of a dead person, but I like even less the fact ...
Ayer falleció Jimmy Carter, 39º presidente de Estados Unidos y miembro del Partido Demócrata, a la edad de 100 años. Taiwán: ...
En marzo de 2019, Voz Pópuli insistía en calificar a Vox como "partido ultraderechista", después de que la formación liderada ...
When I read an article in certain media, I sometimes have a hard time telling whether it is serious or a refined joke. Voz ...
La capital británica es famosa por sus museos. Uno de los más interesantes es el Museo de la RAF de Londres, una de las dos ...