The Justice Department Thursday reported the arrest of an Alaska man Wednesday for allegedly threatening to injure and kill ...
I n June 2023 the Supreme Court banned race-conscious admissions at American universities. Many supporters of the practice ...
Sandra Day O'Connor was the last justice who held elective office, as a state senator in Arizona. In today's court, every justice — other than Elena Kagan — has been a federal appellate judge. Kagan ...
California Supreme Court Justice Janice Rogers Brown did not set out to become the first black female nominated to the United ...
Gerald Ford knew Richard Nixon could be prosecuted for crimes he committed as president. That was simply a fact, when ...
Most states require some sort of high school civics instruction. But with surveys showing that a third of American adults can ...
I have no idea who is going to win the 2024 presidential election other than it will be either the open fascist Donald ...
Kevin Dopf asks how many of his students are United States citizens ... Judy” – serves on the U.S. Supreme Court, ...
When politics interferes with criminal prosecutions, it is always dangerous to human freedom and due process. Yet present-day ...
Bipartisanship went out the window. Bringing people together became an afterthought. And now, in 2024, Democrats are ...
Elections are the foundation of representative democracy. Your right to have a say at the ballot box was paid for with blood ...